Lips have always been viewed as a sign of sensuality in women. From models to movie stars, beautiful luscious lips are in fashion. Unfortunately, we are all not born with these gorgeous lips, and even if we are time and the elements have a way of taking their toll. Age and sun damage will cause a flattening of the lips, loss of cupids bow and development of vertical wrinkles. The fullness you once had begins to fade. In addition, grooves or deep wrinkles develop in the forehead, around the eyes, the cheeks, and the chin.
Lip augmentation creates fuller, plumper lips and reduces fine wrinkles around the mouth. Lips may be injected with collagen or with fat transferred from another site in the patient’s body. Both liquid collagen and fat are absorbed and repeat treatments are necessary to maintain results. Newer, longer-lasting options include implantable materials like AlloDerm and SoftForm.