Tummy tucks are one of the top cosmetic procedures in the U.S., with nearly 250,000 surgeries performed annually. Despite this popularity, misconceptions remain about what abdominoplasty does, who is a good candidate, and what it can help patients achieve.
Expert facial, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Martin Stepanyan draws on more than two decades of successful experience to bring his potential tummy tuck patients all the information they deserve. He and Dr. Johnson C. Lee are both experts in performing body plastic surgery.
Read more about tummy tuck surgery in Beverly Hills, Glendale, Pasadena, and the greater Los Angeles area, so you can confidently start your cosmetic journey. We invite you to schedule a consultation with Glendale tummy tuck surgeon Dr. Stepanyan by contacting us online or calling (818) 551-0088 today.